Boesman et lena athol fugard biography
Athol fugard age
Boesman and Lena is a small-cast play by South African playwright Athol Fugard, set in the Swartkops mudflats outside of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape.
When was athol fugard born
A Study Guide for Athol Fugard's "Boesman & Lena," excerpted from Gale's acclaimed Drama For Students.
Athol fugard writing style
Boesman and Lena follows a Coloured South African couple, Boesman and Lena, as they wander, homeless, through the mudflats on the river Swartkops outside of Port Elizabeth, .
Athol fugard famous works
Athol Fugard's Boesman & Lena is one of the playwright's best-known and most widely respected dramatic works.